How Keywords Can Change Your Results

How keywords can change your results and turn your work into a well-searched product that produces constant Results

The truth about keywords

If you get keywords wrong, you are doomed to failure, but with a bit of planning, you can really make a difference.
Furthermore, Google no longer uses keywords as a leading factor, so you are between a rock and a hard place.
Plus, keywords are getting longer as voice search grows.

Google and user intent

First up, Google wants to know what the searcher is looking for.

How keywords can change your results

Are they wanting an answer to a question or a problem to be solved?
Do they want directions to somewhere?
Maybe they want to make a booking for something
Or do they want to shop for local businesses?

The problem with Bing

With the above in mind, your keywords should really reflect the outcome required. The problem is that Bing and Yahoo still work on keywords, but recent shifts have even distorted that issue. Bing now relies on content quality and research as guiding principles for performance They have a fuller description here. This has now made Bing harder to rank for as they seek quality over quantity.

Think about voice traffic

Voice traffic can be as high as 40% in some cases making it a necessary fixture

No one says into a mobile phone, Football. No, they say that the sort of football depends on your country and the question that they want answered.
Therefore, it is quite a long tail, or something quite explicit. What pressure do you put on a soccer ball when blowing it up? Herein lie quite a few keywords—soccer, ball, pressure, inflation, and measurement—that can litter your article or post.

Content and authority have taken over the airwaves

Authority can change your keyword results

The need for authority is both a Google requirement and even more so with Bing. Therefore, adding good links to your writing proves that you have researched your story and have written based on the best advice. I have always said we can get along using a Wikipedia link to explain wording, but we need to go a lot deeper now.
Google rates you on readers’ choice; if there are three articles on page one, the one with the most views will take first place. if your article gets few followers, it is straight to the back of the class, never to be found.

Think about readers when creating keywords

What does your reader want? Now make the answer as clear as you can. Then you can explain why you gave the answer and back it up with solid authority.
This is what search engines want to do. take readers to a solution as quickly as possible. Yes, they worry about time on the page, but not as much as satisfying readers.
The question “When did Hitler die?” has an easy answer: April 30, 1945.
But “When did Hitler die and what was the effect on the world?” This requires a long-tail answer that digs much deeper into the subject.

The use of keywords can magnify your results

The bad news is that if you get this wrong, you will get no traction from SEO. Fortunately, you can link people in through social media, internal or external linking, or emails, and if you are getting good readers, you may earn a place on page one. This is the only place to be.
Keywords on your webpage can bring visitors, and you can convert them to sales.

If all else fails, you can resort to paid advertising to try and get some traction.
The road to success has quite a few different paths, but the one where millions of people worldwide search for answers can have a significant impact on your results.

Competing with the pros

When the heavy hitters hold page-one spots, the chances of dislodging them are very slim. They know the rules and follow them diligently, so you are on a non-equal basis. So look at what else people are searching for on Google and try to get a better Keyword. Of course, traffic is important, but competition will outrank you every time, so beat them at their own game.

The way around the enemy

How keywords can change results and win the reader war

One of my sites is a site that no one will search for in the normal course.
However, the site is about affiliate income and passive income, as well as working from home, a side hustle, or doing for your business.
Therefore, my keywords all revolve around what the site delivers and what it achieves.

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If any one subject requires constant attention it is the Keywords. Changes are happening on a regular basis and those changes can reap havoc on your results. Getting to page one can be a lot easier with good word selection.

How Keywords can change your results by Peter Hanley

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